About The Club

The Royston BMX Club was formed over 40 years ago to promote the sport of BMX Racing. Over the years, the Club has attracted members from across the region and is widely recognised as one of the friendliest clubs in the country.

Getting Started

All new members have to go through an induction process with one of the coaches before they join – these are held every few weeks and are aimed at making sure the rider is safe around the track – for themselves and others.


There are several levels of racing which progress from club through regional to national and even international racing worldwide!

Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club

Founded in 1982, Royston Rockets BMX Club is celebrating 40 years dedicated to promoting the sport of BMX Racing from its own track on Burns Road, Royston (just off the A505). The track is open for public use, apart from when member sessions and race meets are taking place. Track sessions are held every week: - Tuesday Gates: 5.30-8pm - Saturday Open Track: 2-4pm, members and non-members who are regular riders from other Clubs welcome - Coaching sessions: run on the last 2 Saturday’s of every month - Induction sessions for new riders are held regularly, usually on the last Saturday of the month: see Facebook events for details on how to sign up - Regular Club & Regional race meets are held at the track: see Facebook Events section or Diary on the website - All riders must sign up via the Spond app. Find out more about becoming a member:
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club2 days ago
Don’t forget!!! You have until Friday night to register for this weekends last regional of the Winter Series in Norwich.
Any questions, give us a shout πŸ˜‰#bmxracing #bmx #bmxlife #bmxregional
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club1 week ago
Induction/taster session 3-4:30pm
Saturday 22nd February
Β£12 per person.
Helmets and gloves provided bike hire Β£5 on the day.

Anyone over the age of 5 years and can ride unaided standing up for 60m.
10 spaces available.

This is also open for adults so dont be shy 😊

If you are interested please email
#bmxracing #bmxracingclub #royston #hertfordshire #cambridgeshire #bmx
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club2 weeks ago
Fairly local and a bargain if someone is looking for a bike
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club2 weeks ago
Round 5 is next Saturday! Registration is open until Friday night. All club members are invited to race so come along and get racing. Should you have any questions before, or on the day, please message or grab a committee member.
@ea_bmx_ #bmxracing #bmxclubracing #bmx #roystonrockets #bmxlife #royston #cambridge #hertfordshire #cambridgeshire
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club
Royston Rockets Bmx Racing Club3 weeks ago
Here you go everyone, Summer dates for your diary. Any questions about the regionals? Grab a committee member, we’re more than happy to help. @ea_bmx_ #bmxracing #bmxregionalracing #bmxeast #eaalltheway #bmxclub #bmx #bmxlife #royston #hertfordshire #cambridgeshire