Before you join the club we require you to attend an induction session and we also suggest you arrange a visit to one of our Saturday or Tuesday evening sessions to meet club members and see how the club and sport operates. If after this you are interested the coaches will arrange an induction session for the rider(s) so that we know they are safe to themselves and others on the race track. Once an induction has been completed you are free to decide if you wish to joing us.
To Join our Club
Royston BMX Racing Club use the British Cycling (BC) website “Club Tool” to collect on line membership – just click on the link below and you will be directed to the club’s page on the BC website and from there just click on the “Join Our Club” tab which will show you two options available – Individual or Club Membership and the fees involved.
When you click on your selected option the sytem will ask if you already have a BC account /membership – if you have it will ask for your account /membership number and auto load your details. If you do not have an account the system will produce a form for you to fill in to collect all your relevant details – there is a box you can select if you wish to join BC – this is your choice and is NOT required to complete membership of the club. Should you decide to join BC at a later date then all your information is already there and your reference number is your club membership number and will be your BC membership and Race Licence number.
Please note;
To join the Royston Rockets and take part in club level activities you do not need BC membership.
If you decide to compete at Regional level you will require BC Standard or Premium Membership but a race Licence is not required.
If you decide to compete at National level or above you will require BC Standard or Premium Membership and a full Race Licence – all available from the BC website.
To Find our Track
The nearest post code is SG8 5PT – the Coombes Community Centre. Burns Road, Royston.
If entering the track beware of the tight entrance – if you have a larger vehicle go further round Burns Road to the bus turning point and come back to the track entrance.
Toilets are available in the Coombes Community Centre. The entrance is through the main front doors and straight ahead. The centre has security
locks on the doors—please ask for an activation key. Take care on the steps and in the car park and watch out when crossing the cycle path.