All BMX Regional Series are using a transponder scoring system featuring MY SQORZ online race software and MyLaps transponders. This also applies to National events and the British Championships.

Transponders can be purchased from the local agent – HS Sport. This also applies to National events and the British Championships so you could get 40+ events from your transponder – plus they can be used in other disciplines.

All expert riders competing in our series MUST have an active MyLaps Pro Chip Flex transponder registered to each bike they compete on – Transponders cannot be shared in any circumstances at an event. Any other type of transponder is not allowed. This is the BC standard.

It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure that the transponder is fitted correctly to their bike. Transponders should be fitted to the left-hand side of the forks, as far down the fork leg as possible. Transponders can only be fitted to the outside or inside of the forks. Any other position will be deemed as cheating and this may result in disqualification.

Correctly Fitted
Correctly Fitted
Incorrectly Fitted – Transponder may not be read accurately
Incorrectly Fitted – Transponder may not be read accurately

The South Region have made a great video of how to fit a transponder so please watch it.

 New transponders are NOT activated when you purchased so ensure you fully understand the first 5 minutes of the video. Also, the fitting to the bike is very important so please check yours is correct and that you have the correct transponder for each class of bike.

Riders must sign-in at the Admin area with their transponder fixed to their bike/bikes. Transponders will be scanned, and rider details confirmed. By having your transponder scanned and agreeing that rider details are correct the rider/parent accepts all responsibility for their rider at our event. A rider racing without a working transponder will not be scored.